WILLIAM SCHAW LINDSAY MP for Sunderland 1859-64 by Bill Lindsay
ALL WELCOME. Doors open 6.40pm Talk commences 7.30pm Do come along and support the society. It should be an enjoyable and fascinating evening. Carriages at 9pm
The Society holds monthly local history talks on the third Thursday of each month at Bede Tower, Burdon Road, Sunderland SR2 7DX (with the exception of July and August).
The subjects and dates are included in our members’ newsletters and below.
Non-members are welcome.
ALL WELCOME. Doors open 6.40pm Talk commences 7.30pm Do come along and support the society. It should be an enjoyable and fascinating evening. Carriages at 9pm
ALL WELCOME. Doors open 6.40pm Talk commences 7.30pm Do come along and support the society. It should be an enjoyable and fascinating evening. Carriages at 9pm
ALL WELCOME. Doors open 6.40pm Talk commences 7.30pm Do come along and support the society. It should be an enjoyable and fascinating evening. Carriages at 9pm