The society has a large collection of films and videos relating to the old town and we have commenced an on-going programme to upload them onto this section of the website
Experiences of a P>O>W. during over 3 years in captivity
Seaham A Town Reborn Introduction
The introduction to Vaux Brewery Talk
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Recruiting new members now. Do get in touch for details
New members always welcome to join
Intro to an illustrated monthly talk by Jack Curtis
WW1 Spies, Legends, Myths and Propaganda short
Sunderland on Film short for non members
Norman Kirtlan SHORT VERSION of Normans talk in The Boars Head
Durham Cathedral by Malcolm Wilkinson. The full video is available in Members Section
See our full library by signing up to become a member
You can access our archives/photographs by logging in or becoming a member.
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- Notables
- Public houses